Destination Uruguay!

Destination Uruguay!

The Aughey explorers were off once again. This time to a land far, far away…Uruguay!  When we initially told friends that we were going on vacation to Uruguay, the common response was, “Uruguay?  Really?  Why Uruguay?”  The answer is simple, because our dear friends Edi and Richard packed up and moved from Oak Ridge, Tennessee to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay earlier in the year. Uruguay is a small, conservative country with no prescribed religion. The population is just over 3.4 million or roughly that of Los Angeles.  It is an agrarian society with over 12 million cows. 11 % of the population live in the countryside and the remainder live in the coastal areas. Its people are kind, gentle and friendly.  They comprise mainly of immigrants or...

Expedition Amazon – Part 2

Expedition Amazon – Part 2

Although one would think sleeping in a thatched hut with no electricity or air conditioning might be very uncomfortable – it was amazingly peaceful and enjoyable. We were careful to tuck in our bed netting all around us to ensure the “forest soldiers” were at bay. We listened to a soft rain fall during the middle of the night which seemed as if the forest were singing us to sleep! We woke to another great meal prepared by the lodge staff and after breakfast we were greeted by local villagers who demonstrated their craft-making to us. Edgardo was a young fit “twenty-something” Amazonian who demonstrated the use of a blow gun. Locals use the guns to hunt monkey and other bush meat in the forest for sustenance. They rub the tips of the dart on the back of a poison...

Expedition Amazon…

Expedition Amazon…

We’ve got chiggers swimming in our blood And bot flies in our neck Disease abound from Amazon mud And our hair is a wreck Our bathroom is a scary place With over 50 rules Describing how exactly One should use the loo’s Those bumps aside this place is great As if this trip was planned by fate When we’ve all returned (hopefully intact) We’re bringing the jungle back! ~ Caitlin Verdu, Amazon Expedition Member Our Amazon adventure started with a 35-hour travel excursion (from home to our Amazon Lodge destination). Team members flew in from all parts of the country. The Aughey’s from Florida, John Burr (adult) from Florida, Sandy Patterson (adult) from Virginia, Dr. Bruce Rinker (adult and trip leader) from Virginia and 6 high school students from...