Modern Day Explorers…

Modern Day Explorers…

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a modern day explorer? Basically it entails having an interest in exploration particularly with an emphasis in the sciences. The preeminent society focused on exploration is The Explorers Club headquartered in New York City. Many of its members have been responsible for famous firsts such as being first to reach the North and South Poles, first to land on the moon, first to summit Mount Everest, etc. Guess what? Art recently became a member of the Explorers Club! He was recently sponsored by a close friend who is a fellow of the club, Dr. Bruce Rinker. He joins many esteemed past and current members such as Sir Edmund Hillary, Theodore Roosevelt, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Robert Ballard, John Glenn …to name a few. The...

An Evening With Dr. Jane Goodall…

An Evening With Dr. Jane Goodall…

On Wednesday evening, March 18th, the Augheys were fortunate to have the opportunity to attend a lecture and private cocktail event at Denver University by none other than Dr. Jane Goodall. Rita has read most of her books and truly admires her work. The event was put on by a local non-profit group called Global Explorers. The cocktail event was intimate and gave attendees the chance to meet Dr Jane and speak to her personally. She focused on trying to speak to the students who were in the room. There were about 75 people at the cocktail event. Afterwards all were lead to the lecture hall.  There were an estimated 700 people there to be inspired by her words and life experiences at her Gombe Reserve in Africa studying one of what she calls “the 5 great...

One Saturday in St. Louis…

One Saturday in St. Louis…

Now that the Presidential election is over, it is clear that history has been made and change is in the air. Interestingly, the “change” from this election has been in tow for quite some time as was evidenced by a weekend trip the Aughey’s took in mid October. This account was deliberately delayed in sending until after the election out of respect for the election process (so as not to sway anyone’s vote or opinion one way or the other.).Art and Rita decided to embark on another mini-weekend adventure. This time to the beautiful gateway city to the West of St Louis. Having never been there, they thought it would be fun to explore the city of Lewis and Clarke and the city where early American explorers crossed the Mississippi to forge new...