One Saturday in St. Louis…

One Saturday in St. Louis…

Now that the Presidential election is over, it is clear that history has been made and change is in the air. Interestingly, the “change” from this election has been in tow for quite some time as was evidenced by a weekend trip the Aughey’s took in mid October. This account was deliberately delayed in sending until after the election out of respect for the election process (so as not to sway anyone’s vote or opinion one way or the other.).Art and Rita decided to embark on another mini-weekend adventure. This time to the beautiful gateway city to the West of St Louis. Having never been there, they thought it would be fun to explore the city of Lewis and Clarke and the city where early American explorers crossed the Mississippi to forge new territory and unprecidented opportunity.

Friday PM-
Unfortunately, traffic leaving Chi was not to be cooperative! It seemed especially conjested leaving the City on this particular evening. They wondered why so many people were heading West? They would soon discover this answer! What should have been a 5 hour drive actually took 6 1/2! In addition to the congested traffic they were plagued with rain and poor visibility. Needless to say, the weekend was not off to a great start! Upon arrival they checked into their hotel (at 11:30P) looking for quiet and solitary comfort. Instead, upon arrival to the dwntwn hotel lobby they were greeted by 3,000 teens….all there for a National band competition!! Many were “dressed” in pajamas carrying boxed pizzas and shuffling across the lobby looking for their dinnermates. Art & Rita were happy that their room was on the concierge level away from the bustling teen pandamonium. They settled in with no plans defined for the weekend.

Upon awakening Rita decided to peruse through the local visitor guide in the room while Art turned on the local news. Interestingly they heard on the news that then Presidential candidate Barack Obama was scheduled to hold a rally under the archway at Noon! Whatever your political affiliation, it is clear that history was made in America as it elected this person as the first African-American President. Having never been to a Presidential Campaign rally they thought it would be interesting to attend one. Their concern was Rita’s complete and utter fear of large crowds! Not quite bordering chlostrophobia, her fear of being trapped amidst thousands with no way out is akin to being buried alive in her mind. (Ok so now you know one of her weaknesses!!) With this psychological hurdle did they dare brave the crowds?? It was quite a dilemma. Since they missed the DNC in Denver they thought…how often does one get to participate in what might be a significant historical event?! Rita summed up as much courage as she could and they headed for the Lite Rail down to Archway park…phobia in tow! It was an easy commute and upon arriving they were met by thousands and thousands standing in line to screen through security. As they stood in line (blocks from the entrance) it reminded them of a peak-season day at WDW. People were shuffling forward as Obama-vendors were hocking their Obama-mania wares. Two african-amer ladies in front of them were interested in all the wares. One of them was looking over various TShirts and softly commented that she didn’t want one with Joe Biden on it. Rita couldn’t help overhearing and burst out laughing and they all started laughing! Sensing how the comment might have been percieved, the lady said she wanted the captain on her TShirt not the first mate and giggled. She didn’t find one she liked and kept on moving. Further up the way there was a lady signing up volunteers for voter turnout who was wearing an unusual Obama button that Rita wanted for a friend (it was a campaign button written in Hebrew.). She asked the lady where she got the button and the lady offered it to Rita. This kind gesture took Rita off guard and she offered to pay for it. The lady insisted that Rita take the button explaining that she could get another. Rita thanked this stranger profusely and accepted the small but generous gesture. (Friend for whom this button was sent….Shalom!) Isn’t this what change and unity is all about??

Standing in line to go into the Obama Rally

They screened through security and stood directly under the center of the arch waiting for the rally to begin… 1 1/2 hours. The sea of faces was more colorful than the corals of the great barrier reef! There was an estimated crowd of 100,000! Music was blaring and entertainment was keeping the crowd happy. They were about 100 yards from the podium. Suddenly the crowd looked away from the podium toward the capital building and started screaming. They thought it was Obama but it was too early for him. Suddenly thousands of people appeared over the hill toward a previously roped off area. It was an amazing site! Like watching the soldiers coming over the hill at Antietum.

The flood gates were opened.

Meanwhile, Art was trying to get pictures of the magnitude of the crowds on his iPhone. Rita was trying not to think of the magnitude of the crowds by observing those around her. She noticed two Swat team officers standing atop their vehicle scanning the surrounding buildings with high powered binoculars. Not finding comfort with that (at all) Rita focused more closely around her. There was a group of african-amer ladies who were chatting. Although not part of the conversation, they directed the discussion toward Rita as if part of it. One of them introduced herself to the other two as Dr Corrinne. She was a dentist who works in an indigent clinic locally. She explained she got her education in America and in Namibia. She was very fair complected and thin. She was also refinely dressed and very beautiful. She seemed to be very confident. As time drew closer for Obama’s appearance on stage she seemed to lose her refinement becoming giddy like a teen girl at a pop concert. She said she wouldn’t be this excited if Denzel Washington were appearing! Suddenly the speaker at the podium announced Obama and the crowd errupted in screams and cheers so loud it was deafening! Everyone was standing on tip-toes to catch a glimpse of him. The pandamonium was incredible! He spoke eloquently and directly about his platform. Much like his appearances on TV he spoke with confidence and candor. The crowd seemed to drink in every word. One could hear “amen” and “praise the Lord” spoken from various listeners here and there. In a crowd this size there was expectation of agitation and possible chaos-but quite the contrary….folks were pleasant and abiding! One woman was short and having a hard time seeing Obama so a person (seemingly a complete stranger) near her helped her jockey a better viewing vantage. It was a very surreal to experience thousands from different classes, races, genders, and socio-economic statuses mixing and coming together for one common purpose. Never did discord or anger break out. At the end of Obamas speech the crowd cheered and clapped endlessly. Some had tears in their eyes (joyful tears!). As the event drew to a close the crowd quietly and orderly dispersed.

The massive crowd of over 100,000

Now months later it is clear that these supporters indeed had a mission in mind. They appeared at the polls on election day as they did this day with a clear message – change!

Obama speaks.